Thursday, September 10, 2009

the land of brie

I met up with the contiki tour in london and immediately hit it off with a group of four like-minded girls. The entire group of 46 (yes it is huge, a large turn out) is mainly Aussies. I took it upon myself to teach them to put up a tent, as a good Canadian and was of course the first tent at take down. As a Canadian I represent, WORD. In fact I am one of the only two Canadians on the trip and have taken on the nickname 'Canada!' Day one of the tour in paris was bliss. The brie is like butter, the bread so fresh it doesnt need a spread and the cappuccinos...mmm.... need I say more but surprisingly weak coffee. The metro system is very complex and confusing, but the highlight was a full orchestra in the subway playing underground and a helpful young man who broke all of the stereotyes of the French. We were late (shocking I know) and darting back to the subway in a rush. To our surprise the metro system was an express only and we didnt have tickets (think token only entrances in Tdot) he gave us 6 tickets as รค gift, so sweet. I tried to pay him but he wouldnt have it, so I gave him a canadian souvenir loonie instead. Who says the french are arrogant? I left france wanting more more more and after a night at Nouvelle Eve (cabaret show) I was swearing to come back soon!
Much love,

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