Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nice, Monaco, Florence and Rome

Had the best peach of my life in Nice, in the park, while break dancers practiced their tricks. I could honeymoon here, any takers? I have consumed my weight in pasta and pizza in Italy and wont stop there. The gelato is heaven! Off to Vienna tomorrow... chow bella!

Getting to know you....

(sings) "...Getting to know all about you, when I am with you getting to know what to say".
I am learning more about other cultures from the individuals around the world on the trip, just as much as I am from the world wind of places we are traveling. I was eating a baguette in Nice, South of France *love*, in the park with a bottle of wine along side a girl from Barcelona. She asked me, "do you take a nap after lunch where you are from?" I replied, "no we go back to work."
She looked absolutely mortified! People, why don't we take naps in the afternoon? Down with the man, tell your boss u need a freakin' nap!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Travel tip no. 3, the foreigner

i had a beautiful moment with a girl from Korea on our trip. She has trouble with english and often struggles in conversation. I have been patient with her, mainly because she is so freakin cute and we spent Paris wondering the city together. She said to me, 'in my country i am a very karasmatic, whitty girl and a devoted friend. In english i am very boring because i cannot express myself.' This really touched me. She then went on to say, ' i want to drink wine, beer and coffee.' Of course we got along very well. Take some time today, this week or next and help someone whos first language is not english.

Travel tip no. deux, help a stranger

So many wonderful people have helped me in the confusing transportation system of each new city. If I can take a cue from the most generous man I know, helping a stranger can be your greatest gift. Thank you to all the strangers who spoke English, French, Spanish and even the words of body language, that helped me along the way! Help a stranger today, I triple dog dare you.

Mountain Fever- Switzerland

Guten Tag! We arrived in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland to awe-inspiring scenery. The mix of rolling hills, mountian terrain, quaint cabins and adorable town folk that will melt even the blackest of hearts. We only had time for a nice dinner in camp before dancing the night away in a bomb shelter, Contiki style themed 'P' party. I was the Paper bag Princess, get it?? well no one else did because aparently they dont get that fairy tale in australia, lol. I danced til my hearts content and awoke with little sleep for a big day up to the highest point in Europe, Jungfraubahnen in the Jungfrau region of Switzerland. Still following? Mainly, its a scenic train that goes up the swiss alps. I cannot begin to describe the beauty, it was unreal and made me miss sweet home Alberta. At the top we were drunk on the altitude and my bunk mate (an Aussie gal) and I spent the first hour giggling at our unexpected sloppiness. We then proceeded to the ice palace, huskey dog sled ride, and an aussie's 1st toboggan ride. The 22 yr old says to me, 'i'm scared' so i gave her a big push.
I love seeing someone experience snow for the first time, it is very precious! I gives us perspective on what we take for granted as Canadians and constantly complain about. So, at the next big dump of snow, perhaps take a minute to dust of the old toboggan and enjoy the bliss of the great white north.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

the land of brie

I met up with the contiki tour in london and immediately hit it off with a group of four like-minded girls. The entire group of 46 (yes it is huge, a large turn out) is mainly Aussies. I took it upon myself to teach them to put up a tent, as a good Canadian and was of course the first tent at take down. As a Canadian I represent, WORD. In fact I am one of the only two Canadians on the trip and have taken on the nickname 'Canada!' Day one of the tour in paris was bliss. The brie is like butter, the bread so fresh it doesnt need a spread and the cappuccinos...mmm.... need I say more but surprisingly weak coffee. The metro system is very complex and confusing, but the highlight was a full orchestra in the subway playing underground and a helpful young man who broke all of the stereotyes of the French. We were late (shocking I know) and darting back to the subway in a rush. To our surprise the metro system was an express only and we didnt have tickets (think token only entrances in Tdot) he gave us 6 tickets as รค gift, so sweet. I tried to pay him but he wouldnt have it, so I gave him a canadian souvenir loonie instead. Who says the french are arrogant? I left france wanting more more more and after a night at Nouvelle Eve (cabaret show) I was swearing to come back soon!
Much love,

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Funny fact #1

I overpacked and my bag is larger than me. My first step onto the London tube and I smacked a girl in the head with my pack. I apologized profusely and she responded with the death stare. She then in a huff got her friend to fix her pony. 'Sorry'

London Calling

Well, I arrived safe in sound in London-town and added two stamps to the old passport, Iceland and England! I was greeted by some very wonderful Canucks that have made my transition much easier. I think I often stop dead in my tracks and quickly grab my host, Joe and state 'Oh my, I am in London!" The architecture is nothing short of breath taking and a recent obsession with 'the Tutors' has allowed me to understand some of the history that is constantly surrounding me. I have been museum hoping (thanks to the free admission) but will admit I paid to get into the 'Wallace and Gromit' exhibit at the science museum :) Grommmmiiitttt (insert shaking half fisted hands). You certainly cannot see all of London in 2 and a half days but I am willing to try. Big Ben, London Tower, Saint Pau'ls cathedral, oddly shaped cars with matching drivers sitting on the wrong end, my first oyster, loads of tea and crumpets. I have a half day tomorrow and then I meet up with the Contiki trip and the whirl wind begins.
See you on the other side,